All Patients please comply with the following requests before approaching the front desk.
If you answer YES TO ANY of these questions please let the front desk know.
1. If you have a temperature of over 100 degrees please alert the front desk
2. Have you traveled outside the country within the last three months?
3. Do you have symptoms of acute respiratory illness such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing?
4. Have you been in close proximity to anyone that has traveled outside the country or who has shown any signs of respiratory illness?
5. Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
For any questions please contact us
Impact Physical Therapy COVID-19 Protocol
- Impact PT conducts pre-appointment health assessments of patients by telephone the day of or the day before a patient’s visit. We’ll screen in-person patients for symptoms of respiratory illness (e.g. fever, cough, difficulty breathing) before treating. If you as the patient has respiratory symptoms, we’ll reschedule and refer you to your primary care physician.
- Impact Physical Therapy staff will wear masks in the clinic.
- We require all patients to wear a mask (we have a supply of masks on hand for patients who do not have their own mask). We also ask our patients to bring your own exercise bands if you have been issued one by our physical therapist. Impact Physical Therapy will do a temperature check of patients with a non-contact device, and require all patients to wash their hands after checking in and before treatment.
- Impact Physical Therapy has resources in place to ensure regular and frequent cleaning of all surfaces beyond what was typically done before the pandemic. Exercise equipment will be cleaned after every patient’s use, and we’ll allow time between appointments to ensure there is time to clean equipment and treatment rooms.
- We’re limiting the number of patients in the waiting area at any one time to the extent practical in order to provide as much distance between patients as possible. There will be hand sanitizer and tissues in the waiting area for all patients. We also ask patients to attend appointments without a relative or friend to accompany them unless necessary for physical assistance or language interpretation.
- We’ll be updating the physical spacing of employee areas – workstations, break room – to promote better distancing.
- We’ll also be implementing a staff temperature check policy, and if any of our employees are sick, we require them to stay home.